There are days when I don’t get excited about my job. And I have a really good job in my industry. It is considered by many to be a career capper, and most guys stay with our company until they retire once they get in.
Today is one of the days that doesn’t excite me. I have to be out at a ship at 0630, which normally wouldn’t be all that big a deal. It’s not like I’m going to have to do all that much physical labor when I get there. Just take some pictures and jot down some notes so I can go back to the office and write a report about it. Actually it is kind of nice to be in a stage of life where I am getting paid more for expertise than for my physical work.
Mostly because I have a lazy streak, I guess.
Well it probably wouldn’t be so bad except Gorgeous and I have planned a Friday night out tonight. We hope to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Normally I don’t go to movies on opening night but Gorgeous is going out of town on Monday for a conference and won’t be back until after I leave town for work. So we have a bit of an extended time apart which is enough to prompt us to attempt to fight the crowds tonight. But I’ll probably be a might sleepy because of the early start.
Did you ever wonder why work can be such a drag sometimes no matter what you do?
Would you believe there is an explanation for it in the Bible?
It goes all the way back to the beginning. Back to the garden of Eden. When God found out that Adam & Eve had done the one thing that He told them not to do, He threw them out of the place. – Talk about violating the terms of your lease! Sheesh! They only had 1 rule to follow and they couldn’t do it. No wonder we humans are so messed up!
Anyway, as he was walking the kids to the door, God hollered out a curse at each of them. Here’s what God had to say to Adam as he was collecting his belongings:
And to Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate the fruit I told you not to eat, I have placed a curse on the ground. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. All your life you will sweat to produce food, until your dying day. Then you will return to the ground from which you came. For you were made from dust, and to the dust you will return.”
Yep. Basically God said there will be days when you won’t get excited about your job. Lots of them.
I know that doesn’t really help make it any better – no useful job enjoyment tip today. Sorry to disappoint you. But sometimes doesn’t just knowing why something is the way it is make it a little less frustrating?
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