Don’t you hate when things just don’t work right?
Or at least not as advertised, eh?
I had that happen right here at CREEations. This past week I finally upgraded to the latest version of WordPress. Only it didn’t work quite as planned.
Got a lovely error message when I tried to access the control panel and I was completely locked out. No fun.
I didn’t have a chance to mess with it until tonight.
Then wouldn’t you know there were, um, complications reverting back to the previous version so that I could try the upgrade again. What I thought would take an hour or so took more than 4 just to get back to the place I was earlier in the week.
I’ll try the whole update thing again. Later.
On the off chance that you commented here in the last few days, I’m afraid your comment has been deleted when I reverted back to the previous working version. Sorry about that.
We’ll try to get it right next time.
For now I’m going to catch some shut eye. It’s been a long week.