What a tremendous couple of weeks it’s been!
SOBCon was a smashing success by nearly every metric. I told our team when we first started kicking around the idea for the conference that the only real measure of success would be if we decided to do another conference after it was all over.
By that measure we succeeded. We’ve already had our first planning meeting for SOBCon ’08.
While at the conference I had the wonderful opportunity to get to know Mark Goodyear a little bit. He blogs at GoodWordEditing.com and is one of the driving forces behind The High Calling.
In fact, since I’ve been on the road, the good folks over at The High Calling have brought me aboard as a High Calling Contributer.
That will kind of bias my upcoming review of the site a bit biased. But I’ll find all the other sites who have reviewed it and give y’all some links so you can get some other views on it. 🙂
Mark and I are also working with Vernon Lun (AKA The Idea Dude) co-founder of theGoodBlogs to bring together some good blogs for a new Christianity category over at theGoodBlogs. So if you are interested in being a part of that project, just give me a shout. Holler at my work email, chris [at] successcreeations [dot] com (making the obvious adjustments for proper email format.)
Then here in Wisconsin Gorgeous and I had a massive rummage sale to finish cleaning out my father-in-law’s house this week.
All I can say on that score is that I was exposed to a whole new world of rummage sale madness. We managed to unload nearly an entire house full of
junk stuff in one day simply by dragging it out into the driveway/yard and posting a “Garage Sale” sign at the curb.
It was insane!
If I hadn’t been so swampped helping Gorgeous manage the chaos, I’d have had the presence of mind to snap some photos. As it was we finished the day thoroughly exhausted. We had a ton less junk stuff and several hundred dollars more to our credit.
Now we’ve got just a few things left, mostly those that we intended to keep and take back to Savannah anyway. We’ve got a little U-Haul reserved. We’ll load it up tomorrow and get on the road with a Southerly heading bright and shiny early Sunday morning.
Two (more) days on the road and we’ll be in Savannah once again (finally!)
Gorgeous and I are both ready to be home for a bit!
It has been a wild ride the last couple of months. I’m trying to remember the last time life was boring…. Can’t seem to remember.