Yesterday I received an award in the mail from Tom Vander Well over at QAQnA. Tom invited me to join his Mug Club and I gratefully accepted. Looking through the club I see that Tom has put me in very prestigious company!
Tom even sent me a very beautiful gold plated travel mug which, as of this morning, will officially replace my old Starbucks travel mug as the ubiquitous appendage on my wanderings.
I actually nearly met Tom when I was up in Chicago this summer. We were both in town at the same time, me for business. If I remember correctly, Tom was visiting family. Unfortunately our schedules did not work out. Ah, well.
But I do find it interesting how the blogging world seems to revolve around Chicago, at least in my case. Hmmm…
Thanks Tom, for the honor. Yours is an incredibly classy major award (unlike the major award the dad received in A Christmas Story). I’m sure to use it until I wear it out.
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