Kooky Conspiracy Theories
I am amused by conspiracy theories.
Whether we’re talking about the moon landings, the JFK assassination, the 9/11 attacks, or the president’s birth certificate, some people just can’t accept the official version of events. Because everything doesn’t add up or fit into neat little stacks they assume that there must be some great power behind the scenes pulling the wool over a gullible public’s eyes.
And it’s not a new phenomenon either. There are people who believe that the execution and burial of Jesus was faked and covered up too.
What amuses me is the mental gymnastics people will go through to stitch seeming anomalies together and how they explain away the obvious answers.
The thing is conspiracy theories require too many people to be able to keep the secret. Secrets are notoriously hard to keep, especially within government bureaucracies.
Speaking of the government, conspiracy theories assume the government is this super organized, highly efficient and perfectly capable organization. In my own experience working with the government on both the civilian and the military side of things it’s not like that at all.
Usually conspiracy theories have at least one, but usually several, wild conjectures that, while plausible, are completely unsupported with any factual evidence.
Conspiracy theorists usually have a need for things to have a logical cause and for everything to make sense. In life, however, people sometimes do things for irrational reasons and there are times when things really don’t make much sense.
Plus there are often alternate explanations for events that can fit the available facts.
Because all that is true, I decided to make up my very own conspiracy theory about the recent killing of Osama bin Laden. I was inspired by the episode of NCIS Los Angeles that aired this week where they staged the fake death of one of the characters. Here it goes.
Bin Laden Is Still Alive
What if they staged Bin Laden’s death and he wasn’t killed at all. (Stay with me on this even though it sounds a bit kooky.)
You see, Bin Laden is know to have used decoys to confuse the US and others chasing him down. According to my theory the US actually captured one of the decoys but didn’t tell anyone about it. Say they held onto to him, locked away in secret, until they actually found the real Bin Laden.
Then this past Sunday they capture the real Bin Laden and kill the decoy, who no one knows was being held, so that everyone thinks the real Bin Laden is dead. That way they can interrogate Bin Laden at their leisure for as long as they like because everyone thinks he’s dead.
He’ll be a treasure trove of intelligence for years to come.
Fitting the Facts
My bogus theory fits the available facts.
It gives a good reason for the 25 minute video blackout. It explains why Bin Laden’s wife says he surrendered and then was shot afterward. His wife didn’t see him die, only his daughter did.
He could have been captured, taken out of site for a few moments, then the decoy brought in and killed.
This theory also explains why the US needed to dispose of the body quickly and why they don’t want to release the photos. Since they captured Bin Laden they have DNA for testing.
It also could explain the wildly changing stories coming out of the White House. It fits perfectly with Obama’s slip of the tongue when he talked how we “captured and killed” Bin Laden.
As far as conspiracy theories go, I think mine is a pretty good one. It only calls for one completely unsupported conjecture. And that one is even relatively plausible.
Story Rights
I expect someone in Hollywood will begin working on the screenplay very soon. (Oliver Stone, perhaps?)
Hopefully they’ll remember to send me my royalty checks. 😉
Lots Going ON
We’ve had bunches going on ’round here. Between work, starting two businesses, volunteer work and time out for a little fun it’s been a little crazy.
I was at a meeting downtown and looked out the window of the office I was in only to see this scene above. There’s something a little unnerving about seeing a flock of police cars surrounding your car. (Mine’s the red one in the middle there.)
I guess there was a fender-bender or something. Savannah’s Finest paid scant attention to my ride except when one of the officers leaned on the trunk to fill out some paperwork.
I stayed bravely in the office where my meeting was.
Then Gorgeous had the CEO and Founder of eWomenNetwork in town for her Accelerated Networking event this month. I wrote up a piece about Sandra Yancey over at SuccessCREEations. Go check out the scoop over there.
Here’s Sandra Yancey (on the left) with one of our local Savannah TV personalities, Jessica Kiss.
And More Weirdness
Then over the weekend Gorgeous and & went out to see the Savannah Derby Devils in their roller derby bout.
Yes you heard that right. Gorgeous & I went to see roller derby. Voluntarily.
Nothing about it was high class, as you can probably guess from the photo above taken from our high altitude perch at the National Guard Armory.
But Gorgeous & I had a good time. There’s even proof that I was there as a photographer for SavannahNow caught Gorgeous & I with one of our friends.
It was a hoot. Besides we know Miss Betty Lovsit. I was able to snag a photo of her with Gorgeous and another of our friends during the bout.
I’m thinking I’ll stay off that track.
It’s enough to keep ya on yer toes!
Open Comment Night – Extended Play
One of my favorite bloggers, Liz Strauss is having a special even today in honor of her blog’s birthday. Normally on Tuesday’s she has something called Open Comment Night.
But today she’s opened it up for a whole day long extended play event. Stop over and check it out and have some cake while you’re there!
Happy Birthday Successful-Blog
Liz Strauss over at Successful-Blog is having a blog birthday tomorrow. In light of that she is having a little contest where entrants must describe her blog in 25 words or less.
Since I’ve started hanging out at the Open Comment Night that Liz hosts every Tuesday night I’ve gotten to know her and have come to consider her a friend. I nearly had the opportunity to meet her when my work sent me to her home town of Chicago, but an unfortunate change of flights by my company got in the way.
Liz is a passionate advocate for Net Neutrality and her Net Neutrality pages (page1 and page 2) are an invaluable resource where anyone can learn more about the controversy.
The Tuesday night Open Comment Nights are often a highlight of my week. There bloggers from all around the world hang out for a while, bounce ideas around, build friendships, and sometimes even get a little silly. The only real rule that Liz strictly enforces is that everyone must be nice.
Liz is a master at building community. We could all learn a thing or two from her example (especially us church folks!)
So without further ado, here is my entry for the contest:
Successful-Blog is a fun community where you can rub elbows and learn from successful business professionals, writers, bloggers, and even a code writing donkey.
You’ll have to check out Open Comment Night yourself some Tuesday to find out about the code writing donkey! 😉
Happy Birthday Successful-Blog! May you have many more Successful-Years!
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Could it Be?
Well, what do you think?
Do I actually look like any of these folks?
Thanks to Rick for sharing this site.
Did You Know Blog Day is Almost Here?
I was poking around yesterday and I stumbled on the Blog Day web site.
Did you know there is a day set aside world wide for blogging and bloggers? Did you know that that day is almost here?
What’s it all about, you ask? Well here is what the web site has to say about it.
BlogDay was initiated with the belief that bloggers should have one day which will be dedicated to know other bloggers, from other countries or areas of interests. In that day Bloggers will recommend about them to their Blog visitors.
What will happen in BlogDay
In one long moment In August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs, Preferably, Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude. On this day, blog surfers will find themselves leaping and discovering new, unknown Blogs, celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.
It sounds like a lofty goal, maybe even a little pie in the sky optimistic.
It also sounds like my kind of fun. I’m in. Thursday I’ll share 5 new blogs with you and give y’all an opportunity to discover something new.
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Parties and Film School Projects
Gorgeous and I went to a party last night.
The couple hosting it called it a “Thanks for the Ride” party. They’ve been in town for about a year and were finally able to scrape together the means to buy an inexpensive reliable car. A year is a long time to go without one here in the Southeast. Mass transit isn’t as good as it is in some parts of the country, although Savannah’s got a decent bus system.
Well, let’s just say the CAT is better than most of the places I’ve lived in the Southeast anyway. I don’t really know how good it is. Because I have a car, which I’m grateful for.
The highlight of the evening for me was that Peter gave us a preview of an early cut of his movie, Johnny Reb. It is his master’s thesis project at SCAD and it’s been a long time coming. Peter’s been working hard on it and even at this early stage it looks great.
One of the ladies at the party said from the back of the room, “Peter! It looks so real!”
We all laughed when she said that. I’m not sure how Peter took it. But I know it was a compliment. I think she was expecting, since the movie was a film school project, that it would look like something I did with a cam-corder in the back yard.
However Peter really is a professional and it looks, well, like a movie. Its a short. But even so it tells a compelling story.
It cracks me up that he chose the American Civil War as the background of his story. He’s Swedish (His last name is Svensson.) Not what I would have thought he’d pick. But what do I know?
I actually volunteered to help out a tiny bit behind the scenes. So I am especially excited to see the finished product. I even found a photo on his site that has me in it. I’m holding a reflector to get some more light onto the eyes of one of the lead actors in that shot. It was a fun experience to be able to “help out”.
I’ve watched movies for years and I never had any idea what when into creating the finished product. I still don’t have much of a clue how to make it all work. But at least now I can appreciate how much work is involved!
I think Peter’s off to a great start. I can’t wait to go see one of his blockbusters one day. Then I’ll get to say, “I knew Peter way back when he was in film school.”
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